Demo Sambut SBY
Puluhan massa yang tergabung dalam Raskin (Rakyat Miskin) Surabaya, menggelar aksi demonstrasi menyambut kedatangan Presiden SBY di ruas Jalan Gubernur Suryo dengan tuntutan tolak penggusuran sert meminta pendidikan dan kesehatan gratis, Senin (13/12). Aksi yang rencananya akan digelar di depan Gedung Negara Grahadi tersebut, dihadang oleh ratusan polisi dan brimob dengan alasan tidak berijin.
Demo Welcomes SBY
Dozens of mass incorporated in the Raskin (Poor) Surabaya, staged a demonstration to welcome the President at the Governor Suryo Street segment with the demands of starting the eviction SERT request free education and health on Monday (13/12). Action is planned to be held in front of the State House Grahadi, blocked by hundreds of police and Brimob the grounds is not permitted.
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